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3 Goals for Productivity

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Writing a blog is hard work but I have found that by following these 3 goals, it makes the daily plan for productivity a little easier. Every blogger or anyone really  needs these 3 goals in their life to help keep them focused on attaining the end result they are looking for with a little help from my favorite paper products.

3 Goals for Blogger Productivity

The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® campaign is designed to increase appreciation for using paper products. The value of paper products is one that is near and dear to my heart. As an art teacher the feel and texture of paper is so important. There really is nothing like have a blank page of good paper to write down, thoughts, ideas and lists. (maybe a doodle or 2 as well!)

So what are the 3 goals every blogger needs to set?

1. Time Management – I think time management is really important. It is so easy to get distracted from social media and apps. I have found that if I have a set calendar with a list of things to do, I love being able to cross off those items on my to do list. I love having a written agenda/planner and always have. There is something about working on paper that keeps away distractions. Plus it is more convenient to throw in you bag on the way out the door as opposed to a computer.

This Panda Planner offers a revolutionary way to keep notes and tackle your project management. It is broken into three undated sections to put equal focus on your goals and manage your productivity.

These General Pencil Company pre-sharpened pencils are made in America and can tackle all of your handwriting needs. There is nothing better than the sound of pencil on paper.

2. Organization – having an organized workspace is imperative to productivity. Just think about how much time is lost when you are looking for something that you need.

These Carson Dellosa File Folders are a fun way to enhance your productivity. Having your workspace look good, makes you feel good too.

I always have a list of things to do as well as what needs to get done for the week on the blog. I find that when I can write it down on paper so I can clearly see what needs to be accomplished, these tasks are less daunting. This Knock, Knock Goals Notepad keeps your goals right in front of you. I have found that writing things down makes it easier for me to remember and learn.

3. Gratitude – Being thankful for what you have in your life and having a good tribe of people around you is imperative to having a A-list blog. A hand written note goes a long way in this business and your personal life and these Erin Condren Note Cards are the perfect paper note card for this task. Leave a lasting impression with a hand written note plus it is good for your brain!

Hang an inspirational quote in your work space to keep you motivated. I love this one form Rework.

It can be so easy to fall off task when working from home but staying organized, having a time planned for everything and expressing gratitude will help you achieve all your blog goals. I recently just finished Rework, a book that offers valuable insights on maximizing your time and efficiency.

Join the Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® #15PagesADay campaign and commit to tackling the book by reading at least 15 pages! Learn more at



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