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DIY Night Light

The seasons are changing and the weather is getting cooler so we are beginning to spend a little more time inside. Keeping the kids busy is usually not a problem in our house because we love to find things to do!

Whenever we see the trailers for new movies on the television, my children get so excited. There are usually comments like, “I want to see that” Or “When does it start MaMa?” Sometimes the trailers roll out well before the movie and I like to create little craft projects for them to do to help them patiently wait. (I use that term loosely…we don’t patiently wait for anything!)

In honor of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story© TM Lucasfilm LTD, the Kleenex Brand will launch limited edition boxes featuring Rogue One: A Star Wars Story designs. Oh my goodness, my children are so excited! This movie has been all they have been talking about these past few weeks.

All young Jedis can create their own Kleenex Brand ft. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story designs night light. This DIY craft turns a tissue box into a fun room accessory, simply by removing the tissues, poking small holes in the sides of the box and inserting an electric tea light, creating a “night sky” in a dark room.

Here’s how:


In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, ordinary people are tasked with doing extraordinary things. Likewise, we can all do the extraordinary by showing those around us that we care with gestures big and small, like sharing a Kleenex tissue.

I love that Kleenex Brand is thinking of endless opportunities to turn everyday moments into memories that will last a lifetime. Spending quality time together is a great way to show you care. My children had so much fun making these night lights that I know they will remember for a long time.


Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Kleenex brand via Momtrends.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Kleenex or Momtrends. 


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