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Easy DIY – Drying Your Own Garden Herbs in the Microwave

If you have a bumper crop of herbs this summer you can easily dry your own herbs to use in the upcoming months. Here is a very easy way to dry your own herbs in the microwave. These would even make nice gifts if done in sets. For example – Pizza herbs,  Salsa herbs, etc.

1- Pick the herbs you want to dry. Rinse and pat dry.
2- Lay in a single layer on a paper towel (like I did) or paper plate.
3- Microwave in 20 second intervals until dry and brittle. **Be careful that you do not microwave them too long. You don’t want them to burn.
4- Once dry, crumble to the size of your choosing and place in mason jars, clean baby food jars, Ziploc bags, etc. or whatever you would like to use for storage.
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