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Poppins Book Nook- April – “Trains, Planes and Automobiles”

Welcome to Month 2 of The Poppins Book Nook. This month our theme was

centered around “Trains, Planes and Automobiles”. My children are HUGE Tractor, Trucks and Trains fans! My little girl included (I know so disappointing) but she wants to hang with the boys.  See the Photos from my March Post (Kids in John Deere!) So I thought my books would focus on Trains and Trucks and the craft for this month would be about Tractors.
I found these two books in my kid’s room and as you can see they are well loved! These are two great books that will give your little ones reading enjoyment.

Our first book was “All Aboard Trains” by Mary Harding and Illustrated by Richard Courtney.

We LOVE the illustrations in this book! The colors are nice and vibrant and they showcase a variety of different train cars. My children love this part about this book. They get excited to see what kind of train car is next. What a great story too! This book is great for the little ones to look at the photos (soft covered, paper pages) and interesting for the bigger kids to read. I would say that the ages on this book are probably 7-10 for reading.

The second book I chose this month is a board book. “Little Blue Truck Leads the Way” by Alice Schertle and Illustrated by Jill McElmurry. This book is so adorable and the little blue truck is priceless with his eyes as his headlights. The illustrations are great and this book also shows a variety of different carts from Police Cars to Limousines. My daughter loves this book and it is great for little hands!

The summary on the back of the book reads, “The big city sure is a speedy, noisy place for a country truck like Blue.”

I love that we live in the middle of the woods and we see these types of trucks all the time. My littlest one can understand and put together that the cars she sees at home are similar to the trucks she sees in the book.

I have also included a printable on a HOW-TO MAKE A TRACTOR. This craft will help little ones identify shapes, use fine motor skills for cutting and gluing. It is really fun craft to make and they look cute when they are finished too. Perfect for the upcoming nice weather and Spring activities.

I also put together a FREE TRACTOR COLORING PAGE. You can download this as well. Perfect to go with the stories.

I hope you enjoyed the books and projects I have chosen this month and I hope to see you again for next months Poppins Book Nook!

An InLinkz Link-up

Clip Art by Melon Headz’ with Melon Headz 

Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ 3 Dinosaurs ~ To the Moon and Back ~ Planet Smarty Pants ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ Growing in God’s Grace ~ Chestnut Grove Academy ~ Learning and Growing the Piwi Way ~ The Usual MayhemPreschool Powol Packets ~ Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~ Teach Beside Me ~ Life with Moore Babies Kathy’s Cluttered Mind ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Our Crafts N Things ~ Hopkins Homeschool ~ ABC Creative Learning ~ Joy Focused Learning ~ P is for Preschooler ~ Laugh and Learn ~ A Mommy’s Adventures ~ Inspiring 2 New Hampshire Children ~ World for Learning ~ The Kennedy Adventures ~ Ever After in the Woods ~ Golden Grasses ~ Our Simple Kinda Life ~ A glimpse of our life ~ Journey to Excellence ~ Happy Little Homemaker ~ Little Homeschool Blessings ~ Simplicity Breeds Happiness ~ Raventhreads ~ Water on the Floor ~ Learning Fundamentals ~ Tots and Me As We Walk Along The Road ~ Stir the Wonder ~ For This Season ~ Where Imagination Grows ~ Lextin Academy ~ The Canadian Homeschooler ~ School Time Snippets ~ Peakle Pie ~ Mom’s Heart ~ A Moment in our World ~ Every Bed of Roses ~ Finchnwren ~ At Home Where Life Happens ~ Suncoast Momma ~ The Library Adventure ~ Embracing Destiny ~ Day by Day in our World ~ Our Homeschool Studio ~ A “Peace” of Mind ~ Thou Shall Not Whine ~ SAHM I am ~ eLeMeNo-P Kids ~ Simple Living Mama

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