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How to Fold A Napkin Into a Rosebud

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BetterBreakfast #CollectiveBias


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As a teacher I see first hand every morning what children struggle because they did not have breakfast. I know even for myself if I do not have a nutritious breakfast I start to feel sluggish well before lunch time. It is time to BUILD A BETTER breakfast and I have a few ideas for you.

On my last shopping trip to Walmart, I stocked up on a few items that I wanted to share with my children now that school has started. Mornings can be crazy so I wanted to offer them choices for a better breakfast. I purchased 2% Great Value Milk, Del Monte Fruit & Veggie Fusions, and Lender’s Bagels combined will give kids protein, carbohydrates, vitamin C and other things that they won’t get with other choices.

Plus it is streamlined and easy because everything is in the refrigerator. The kids can choose their fruit & veggie cup, bagel variety and a cup of milk. It gives me confidence knowing I am sending my children to school with the right nutrition for a busy morning at school.

To keep things fun in the morning in my house I love surprising my kids in the morning with something cute, that let’s them know that I am thinking of them. Sometimes, I set the table the night before after they are in bed and fold napkins into cute shapes so that when they come into the kitchen in the morning they are excited about getting their day started.

Here is how to fold a napkin into a rosebud.


1 square napkin


Lay napkin flat.

Fold one corner up to make a triangle.

Fold the long end of the napkin down in approximately a 1-inch row, folding 3/4 ways up to the pointed end of the napkin.

Start rolling the napkin strip on to each other in a circular motion, tuck the end in.

Fluff out ends for the leaves


It really is an easy way to add a touch of whimsy to the breakfast table. Just because the kids are getting their nutrition from 2% doesn’t mean it can’t be fun too! Great Value Milk, Del Monte Fruit & Veggie Fusions, and Lender’s Bagels. Each one of these items provides a nutritional component to your child’s better breakfast.

Milk is naturally nutrient rich and powers potential – if you have access to it. Milk’s 9 essential nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality protein per 8 ounce serving, can help to ensure that kids have the potential to play, learn and grow.
#BuildABetterBreakfast Sweepstakes
Join Feeding America in The Great American Milk Drive to help deliver highly desired and nutrient-rich gallons of milk to hungry children and families who need it most. More than 14 million servings of milk have been delivered to food banks through this first-of-its-kind initiative. Now, you can help feed a childhood – by purchasing 1 or more of these products, you are helping Feeding America provide nutrient- rich milk to kids and families in need. Visit

Lender’s bagels are filling – sustaining kids all morning plus come in different varieties: plain, blueberry and cinnamon-raisin flavors are kid-friendly & great for the whole family. I love that “Lender’s has a bagel for Everyone!” Bagels for breakfast are timesaving, easy, tasty and nutritious addition and are part of a complete breakfast. You can find them in the refrigerated dairy section at your local Walmart.


Del Monte Fruit & Veggie Fusions is the only fruit cup product that provides 1 serving of fruits and veggies in a single cup. The vegetables are in the juice but you’d never know it. Look for specially marked Del Monte Fruit & Veggie Fusions packages on shelf at Walmart for valuable coupons for Del Monte and Lenders products. I was impressed by all the different varieties there were to choose from- there really was something for everyone.

Build your child a Better Breakfast this year by combining 2% Great Value Milk, Del Monte Fruit & Veggie Fusions, and Lender’s Bagels found at your local Walmart. Childhood should be filled with playing, learning and growing. But for many children who face hunger, even basic staples like milk – and the nutrients that help power childhood activities – are missing. Plus spruce up your breakfast table with these cute napkins!





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