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Treats During A Crisis

If you and your family are preparing for an upcoming crisis or maybe you’re about to go into one then there is likely one thing that you haven’t considered. This one thing might be exactly what your family needs to help weather the storm. I’m talking about little treats. The truth is, even when times are tough it is important to treat yourself. Throughout this article I’ll explain why it is so important and the kinds of treats you should consider having during your crisis.

Treats During A Crisis

Having a treat is a morale booster. When you’re going through constant the constant stress of a crisis it is important to have a brief reprieve. If you’re planning for an upcoming crisis, keep in mind that you may not have the money in the future for treats, so if you can, you should stock up on them now. If you’re already in the middle of a crisis while reading this try to find any small amount of money that you can to treat yourself. Even if we’re just talking about one chocolate bar a month. This little treat will help fortify your mind and soul and keep you going until you can have your next treat or you’ve found your way out of your crisis. When times get tough it may become difficult to keep going and that little treat, be it a chocolate bar or ordering Chinese once a month might be the only thing you have to look forward to.

Rewards During Uncertain Times

This same thing applies to your children. You might think you’re doing a good job of hiding your situation from your children but believe me, they know. They know something is up even if they can’t put their finger on exactly what it is. A small treat from time to time will help them stay calm about the entire situation and help them get a little sense of normality.

What kinds of things are treats?

When you think about treats chances are your mind goes straight to food, which is perfectly understandable! And maybe for you, the best treat is food-related. This is especially true if you’ve had to go through a major diet change because of your finances. But, treats don’t just have to be food, they can be any small thing that you enjoy. Below I’ve made a list of some things that might be considered treats during a crisis.


A trip to McDonald’s for the Dollar Saver Menu


Bagels and Cream Cheese


Fresh Fruit

Ice Cream

Your Favorite Food (Or Your kids’ favorite food)

Soda or a cheap alcoholic drink of choice


A new book

A manicure

A new toy

New underwear

Spending one-on-one time with mom and dad

A new pair of shoes

New socks

Permission to do something that isn’t work-related outside of the house like going on a hike or going to a free yoga session in the park. But not something that will have you spending money like shopping or going to a bar/club.

A new video game

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