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What is in my Emergency Bag at Work

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ChooseTENA #CollectiveBias


As a teacher I am constantly on the go from early in the morning and to be honest I do not have time to think about all the little things that might pop up throughout the day- may hair may fall out of its style, my lips or skin may be dry, or even a little bladder leakage. I love being able to live my life without compromise.

Come on ladies, I know there are a few of you out there with me that leaks a little now and then- for me it happens especially if I am laughing. If I am at work the kids do and say funny things so often that I laugh all the time. It could even be a little sneeze that causes the leakage, but I keep an emergency kit in my desk for all of my needs that may come up through out the day. I love knowing that TENA® pads allow me to continue doing the things that I love without giving a second thought to incontinence. TENA® empowers consumers to keep living their lives to the fullest.

As a teacher, you have to constantly be on your game. Standing in front of a room, leading a lesson, walking around keeping an eye on the students as they work or all parts of my daily activities. I love feeling confident while completing my mandatory tasks at work. Knowing that I have an emergency kit in my desk drawer not only for me but some thing for my students as well, keeps me feeling confident with protection for the Unexpected Leak™.


What is in my Emergency Bag?


This bag gets used all the time and I always keep it well stocked. My students have access to my drawer where they can help themselves to what they need because feeling confident is a huge part of a having a great day in and out of school. I always start the beginning of the year with a few things and usually by the end of the year I realize more of the things that I may need.

Using TENA® incontinence products let you do the things you love, without missing out on any moment or experience. And at this point in my life these moments are happening all the time and I do not want to miss any of them.

I found my TENA® Ultimate Pad Regular 33ct product at my local CVS but they do have an entire line of Tena products at CVS and Now you can save money with $2 coupons being circulated in the Sunday 4/30 newspaper as well as a 30% Ship and Save limited offer (4/30-5/13) and a iBOGO50 and Buy 2 Get $1 ExtraBuck Reward in stores. So now is the time to stock up because TENA® Lets You Be You.







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