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What is Stitch Fix and Why You Need To Try It

As you all know I live in the middle of the woods but I like staying stylish, at times this can be hard due to the limited resources available around me. I was told about a company called Stitch Fix where you receive your very own stylist and they send you great things to wear… all packaged in a pretty box and sent to your front door.

What? Come again? This is the best idea ever, I had to try it out myself. I went to they easy to navigate website to check this out for myself. So first you get started with a personal style quiz. They ask you numerous questions and have you look at photos of clothes to see where you tastes lie. The quiz was so much fun!

Next you receive five personalized pieces that were hand picked just for you. During your set-up quiz you can pick items that you do not wish to receive (i.e.: handbags, necklaces, pants) to be sure you will not get these pieces. So when my first box came, my excitement was pretty high. I could not wait to get into this box. So what did I get?


Super cute notes were included with certain pieces with styling suggestions. The next step is to try these pieces on in the comfort of your home and mirror. Try on and discover styles hand-picked just for you including your budget! You keep what you love and send back the rest in a prepaid return envelope.

This really is the most convenient way to shop and stay within a budget. I love that you are introduced to new styles and designers that you may not have looked at before. Stitch Fix is a great option because you decide when and how many boxes you want, whether it be once a month or one every 3 months. You are never obligated to purchase anything. The $20 styling fee is applied to the pieces in the box should you choose to keep a piece.

I can’t wait to go in and schedule another shipment, its like a Christmas present on your front door at any time of the year.


Disclaimer: I was not paid nor did I receive compensation for this post. All opinions are my own and yours may differ.

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