This is a sponsored post on behalf of O, Oprah the Magazine and Holland America Cruise Line. Al opinions are my own and yours may vary.
It has been a few months since we came home from the Girls Getaway Cruise with O, Oprah Magazine and Holland America Cruise Lines. Winning this trip as part of the #Omaginsiders was an amazing opportunity and one that I will never forget.

Girls Getaway Cruise with Oprah

Conversation with Oprah
The Conversation with Oprah was one of the most influential and inspiring part of our cruise. There was so many insightful things that Ms. Winfrey shared with us, one of the things that resonated with me was that “life is always speaking to you.”

This quote really made me think about all the little “blips.” The moments when you had to stop and think that maybe there was something that was happening that you needed to pay attention too. Like those moments when your husband or girlfriend said something and you thought to yourself, “hmmmm”, but didn’t act on it and then later on when you really had a moment to stop and think about it, you realized that there was something amiss.

There have been too many times in my life when that has happened when I did not act on the gut feeling when I really should have. I have learned as I have gotten older that things really do happen for a reason and that there is a greater force guiding our hands whether we realize it or not. Put your positive energy out there and it will come back to you in another form when you need it the most.
Fashion Show with Talbots and Adam Glassman
The #omaginsiders were asked to take part in the Talbots Love That! Fashion Show with Adam Glassman. What an amazing experience. They had a selection of the collection that they designed in conjunction with Adam Glassman and O, Oprah the Magazine.

This is their 4th collection that they are donating proceeds to Dress for Success. They had so many amazing pieces in the show that would work for women of all shapes and sizes. They also had a few pieces in the store onboard the Holland America Cruise Lines. They had so many great options and there was a dress there that I had to get. It was so comfortable and versatile and I wore it to meet Ms. Winfrey too!

Yes, I got to meet the one and only Oprah Winfrey and it was everything that I always dreamed it would be. From a young mom watching her talk show everyday it really felt like a surreal moment. This was definitely the highlight of my trip for sure.

Meeting a large number of #omaginsiders onboard was a dream. These ladies come from different walks of life, own their own businesses, and have a variety of careers with one thing in company- their love for Oprah Winfrey and the O, Oprah the Magazine.

They are sweet, kind, powerful and inspirational and I am so lucky and blessed to be a part of this amazing group.

This Girls Getaway Cruise is exactly what every women needs, a few days away to refresh, unwind and refocus. We take our energies and divide them amongst our husbands, partners, children, families, work and so much more. Self-care is so important and taking the time to be a better “you” can make all the difference in the world. Listen to the “blips” when they happen and listen when “life is speaking to you.”