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Where to shop – Food Store Alternatives

Food Store Alternatives

When panic buying sets in and people begin clearing the shelves in grocery stores it is important to have some alternate options available to you. There are many sections of stores that barely get touched while others are completely demolished. There are also some stores that often get forgotten and still have plenty of food available.


Despite the sudden popularity of Vegan food, when the grocery store’s shelves are starting to look a bit barren, the vegan section tends to look like it is completely untouched! This also includes in the frozen food section.


Ethnic Food

Just like with the Vegan area of the store, the ethnic sections seem to be less hard hit when the crowds have gone through. There are some exceptions to this. If you live in an area with a lot of Mexican expats the Mexican food is going to be fairly hard hit too. So, just have a wander down the ethnic aisles of your supermarket and see what they have.



Gluten-free foods are also more likely to be on the shelves than your regular options. However, unlike the other options, I would add that if you see the last of a gluten-free option on a shelf and you aren’t someone who needs to eat gluten-free then please leave it for someone who does. Their food options are far more limited than yours are.


Make It Yourself

Bread is one of those things that runs out quickly in stores and it isn’t shelf-stable. However, the ingredients to make bread are. So why not try making it yourself? You don’t need a fancy bread maker, your oven will do just fine. How many other foods can you make from scratch at home?

Alternate Shopping Locations

In addition to having different food options to pick from it is important that you know where else you can buy food in case the grocery stores run out.


Catering Company Providers

Where do your local catering companies get their food from? Call them and ask if they will accept non-catering business. Chances are that in times like these they will.


Ethnic Food Stores

Ethnic food stores are an excellent place to find shelf-stable foods and often in cheaper prices than other stores. You can buy 20 lb bags of rice, a gallon of soy sauce, and incredibly cheap herbs in your local Asian food store. Meanwhile, your local Mexican food store will have fresh tortillas, canned beans, and much more.


Health Food Stores

Health food stores are a lot more expensive than your average grocery store. But because of that, they are sure to have stock for longer than other stores. Plus, you know that it is all healthy!


Zero Waste Stores

Zero-waste stores often offer dried foods in bulk. They will be on the more expensive side, in line with health food stores. But, they will most likely continue to have stock for some time to come.


Dollar Stores

Finally, there are your dollar stores. This is a great place to buy canned foods and cheap treats. Just be sure that you check the expiration date on everything before you buy it. 


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